Divorce and Separation
Going through a separation and divorce is one of life’s most difficult challenges. I can help guide you through the process of resolving your family law problems.
The resources below will give you some initial guidance and introduce you to rich sources of online information.
Parenting Apart
- Basic information about the law related to parenting after divorce: Parenting apart
- Online tool to help you make a parenting plan: Creating a Parenting Plan
- Interactive game for children going through separation and divorce: Changeville
- Website for children going through separation and divorce: A Kid’s Guide to Separation and Divorce
- Website for teens going through separation and divorce: Teen Guide to Separation and Divorce
- Information about Parenting After Separation Course
- In-person program for kids going through separation and divorce: Caught in the Middle
- Information about moving after separation or divorce: Can you move—with or without your child?
- Travelling with your children: Do you need any legal documents to be able to leave Canada with your child?
Child Support
Dividing Property
Family Law Processes
- Information about mediation:
- Information about collaborative law:
- Information about parenting coordination:
- Information about arbitration
Making Agreements
- Making an agreement after you separate: Describes agreements (often called separation agreements), how to make one, what to do with it once you’ve made it, how to change or enforce an agreement, and when to get a consent order instead.
- Creating a Parenting Plan: Department of Justice Parenting Plan Tool
- Making an agreement when you live together: Information for married or common-law couples about how to make a written agreement (sometimes called a cohabitation or marriage agreement) while you live together.
- Separation Self-Help Guide: an interactive guide to creating a simple separation agreement