
Divorce and Separation

Going through a separation and divorce is one of life’s most difficult challenges. I can help guide you through the process of resolving your family law problems.

The resources below will give you some initial guidance and introduce you to rich sources of online information.

Parenting Apart

The upheaval of divorce and separation has an enormous impact on children. There are different approaches to parenting after separation and different paths for arriving at a plan that is in the best interests of your children. I can help you find the solution that works best for your newly restructured family.

The resources below will introduce you to the basic laws related to parenting after separation and divorce. You will also find some help with parenting plans and resources for children and teens.


Child Support

 These resources can help you understand what obligations parents have to share the ongoing support of their children.

Spousal Support

The law about spousal support is complicated.  The resources here will introduce you to the basics of spousal support. In mediation, I can help you develop agreements that deal fairly with obligations for income sharing between spouses.

Dividing Property

The law provides a framework about how property and debts are to be divided after separation and divorce. Applying the law and coming to an agreement can be challenging. I can help you navigate the steps to reaching a fair division of property and debts.

Here are some resources that explain the basic law related to dividing property and debt after separation.

Family Law Processes

These resources below will give you some basic information about some common tools for resolving family law problems.

Making Agreements

If you are ready work toward reaching an agreement with your spouse or former spouse, I can help you come up with a clearly written and understandable agreement that suits your needs.

Here are some resources that can help you understand more about agreements.
